XRX Market Cap History

Below is a table of the XRX market cap history going back to 6/15/2017:

Date XRX Market Cap

Also see: XRX Shares Outstanding History
and XRX YTD Return
XRX Historical Market Cap:
-23.09% CAGR
XRX Historical Market Cap: +-23.09% CAGR

Mouse over chart for data details
6/15/2017 ...10/31/2024
Xerox Holdings Corporation is a workplace technology company building and integrating software and hardware for enterprises. Co.'s segments include Print and Other and FITTLE. Its Print and Other segment includes the sale of document systems, supplies and technical services and managed services. The segment also includes the delivery of managed services that involve a continuum of solutions and services that help its customers optimize their print and communications infrastructure, apply automation and simplification to maximize productivity, and ensure the highest levels of security. This segment also includes information technology (IT) services and software. We show 31 historical shares outstanding datapoints in our XRX shares outstanding history coverage, used to compute XRX market cap on those dates.

Understanding the changing numbers of shares outstanding, the changing share price, and the resulting changing XRX market cap history over the course of time is important for investors interested in comparing XRX's market cap history versus its peers. Many "beginner" or "novice" investors will look at one stock trading at a price of $10 per share and another trading at a price of $20 per share and think the latter company is worth twice as much. Of course, that is a completely meaningless comparison without also knowing how many shares outstanding there are for each of the two companies, and then calculating their respective market caps. Comparing the share price of XRX versus a peer is one thing; comparing XRX market cap versus a peer is a completely different story. Furthermore, via fluctuation both in per-share price and in the number of shares outstanding (via issuance of new shares over time, the repurchase of existing shares), the market cap for a company like XRX can fluctuate over the course of history. With this page we aim to empower investors researching XRX by allowing them to research the XRX market cap history.
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